25 May 2009

Moltes gràcies!


Simplement us volem dir:


El casament va ser emotiu i divertit alhora, i les dues coses no haurien estat possibles sense la vostra presència, ajuda i suport.

Moltes gràcies també per les contribucions pel viatge que ens heu fet arribar: menjarem molta pasta i beurem molts expressos a la vostra salut!

Si pengeu les fotos a internet (Flickr, Picasa o similars), ja ens fareu arribar l’adreça. Crec que es van fer prou fotos per muntar uns quants àlbums...

Marxem a Venècia el dimecres molt relaxats i contents. Us explicarem les nostres aventures en tornar!

Fins aviat!
Steve i Rosa

24 May 2009

The benefit of having great family and friends

It's a little before midday, and I've only recently got up. I feel like I have a bit of jet lag - it's been a while since I stayed up so late :-) We got to bed a little before 4am, then of course I couldn't sleep. My head was buzzing with the event of the day, and I realised how much of that was down to the family and friends that attended our wedding celebration. Of course it was OUR day, and I have to say I rather liked being centre of attention....it doesn't happen very often. But the day would not have gone so brilliantly had you not been there, or shared in our enjoyment.

You're all wonderful, and thank you so much for your kind words, appreciation and gifts. It's a day that we shall never forget.

I think I like most Gareth (from 4 Weddings and a Funeral) observation that Marriage is a way out of an embarrassing pause in conversation. "People spend time together and then they run out of things to say. They get married, then they have something to talk about for the rest of their lives". The definitive ice breaker!

Enjoy Barcelona, travel safely and see you all again soon.

With much love and best wishes....

16 May 2009

Logística, o com arribar al casament i tornar...

Aixó és el que recomanem:

-Per arribar a La Mercè: recomanem, a ser possible, que hi aneu en taxi o transport públic(Metro: Drassanes o Jaume I. Bus: 14, 59...). Si veniu en cotxe, l'aparcament està molt difícil al carrer. Hi ha un parking municipal al Moll de la Fusta, i tres de petits al llarg de C/Ample-Josep Anselm Clavé. Nota: si voleu un mapa en pdf, aviseu i us l'enviem.

-De La Mercè al Restaurant: Posarem un autobus entre un lloc i l'altre. Si aneu en cotxe, Google maps recomana aixó. El Xalet no té parking propi, però en general a Montjuic s'aparca molt bé. Localització del Xalet, segons Sant Google maps. La direcció oficial és Av. Miramar 31 (la seva web), i per entendren's, és entre la Fundació Miró i les Piscines Olímpiques (les de salts, no les Picornell).

-Del restaurant a casa: pels que volgueu un taxi, no patiu, aneu a la sortida (pujant les escales), i demaneu al porter que us en demani un. El restaurant hi està molt acostumat.

Logistics, or how to get to the wedding and come back

That's what we recommend:

-From your hotel/home to La Mercè: get a taxi. Tell the taxi-driver to take you to Iglesia de la Merce. See the place on Google Maps. By the way, Google maps has things slightly wrong. Put it to satellite, the church is the building with the round cupola. In front there is a small square. It's probable the taxi leaves you in Passeig Colon (on the right, by the sea). Look for the cupola, that has a madonna statue on top... .
If the hotel does not book you a taxi, this company speaks English: Autotaxi Mercedes + 34 93 307 07 07. Yes, they run on Mercedes but they do not cost more.

-From La Mercè to El Xalet: we have a coach ready for you. It's Autocares Fuentes, but several of Rosa's friends will take care of you. This is roughly the route.

-From El Xalet to your hotel/home: Go to the main entrance of El Xalet (up the stairs), and tell the porter to call a taxi for you. El Xalet on Google maps: on satellite, it's the small brown building on the left, not the two blue squares on the right (that are the Olympic diving pools).